A couple of weeks ago, me, my bro's, and Pops (Foreman) head to LaVell Edwards Stadium (LES) to watch BYU take on the Air Force Acadamy. Fun times, all around. Can you see Provo down behind me. Yup, that's Provo. We check every game, and it's always there. And on the way to the game, we always let everyone know that they are in COUGAR TOWN. Yup, I am shouting that, because that is how we tell people. Foreman doesn't like it very much, but we do it anyway.
And this game, we decided to snap some super cute pictures of us, just for you. The only one who did not make an appearance is Foreman. He was off somewhere, ignoring us. I really don't think he thinks we are funny anymore.
This on by far is my favorite. Everyone in their natural faces. What a good time. BYU 38, AF 21.
I love it that you call dad Foreman. It makes me laugh a lot.