Tuesday, July 28, 2009


If you follow both mine and Jen's blog, you already know that it was Addie's 3 birthday party on Sunday. Well, I am sure that you may have read the sanitary, pasteurized version Jen posted. Well, I am not here to sanitize your life. You get the cold, hard, super cute facts here with this ground breaking blog. So here it is. I dared Show (Jake) to do the slip and slide. As you can see, he obliged. I also gave Mike a chair shot, and got permission from my Grandma Gourley to give Jake the double chair shot. (That didn't happen, but I have permission.) We then had a good ole Gourley Cub shirt a thon. Everyone tried it on. Addie, Darce, Jake, and me. Yes, that is me in my Teton shirt, Zach's Cub shirt, a sambrero, and Darce's pink hat. I kind of look like a fruity bandito, (not that there is anything wrong with that). Over all, a pretty good party. On the way home, Emma asked, "when is Addie having another birthday. Can we come again next week? Yeah?" Now if that doesn't fit into the super cute mold, I might as well shut this thing down.
ps. Tammie, are you happy now? It's been updated and no work posts.


So, I just got back from scout camp this last week. Here is a cute little picture of the view from our camp. We were tucked right up next to the Snake River. The days we were there we played on their rope course, low and high. Then we went mountain biking, but the camp tour guide took us somewhere we didn't have a permit and the Wyoming Mounties kicked us off. Then we went back to camp after getting kicked off and one of the other adults torn his patella tendon playing basketball. Good trip right. Then we went down the Snake whitewater on Saturday. The boat guide was awesome. He was a total dude. He shoved some of the kids in the river. Then, when they were trying to get back in, one of the kids lost his glasses into the river. The next thing I know, he is diving in the river, and comes back up two seconds later with the glasses. I have no idea how he did that. Just have to say, thanks Dude.


Over the Fourth of July we went to Yellowstone with Linds' family. We had a big campout, and luckily for Tommy's sake, we saw no bears. Here we have a picture at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Falls with the Fam. A buffalo which Tommy was facinated. And look at the one with the kids. Don't they look happy?! Then a picture of my girls. And don't forget Old Faithful. Old Faithful is so awesome. Here is a reinaction of watching Old Faithful. "Okay kids, here it comes. It's going to shoot water up into the sky. It's going to be awesome. Wait, just watch. Nope, not yet. I thought so, but not yet. Ohp, here is comes this time. Nope, just a false start. Now, here it goes. Nope, wait one more minute. (Croud ohs and ahs prematurely). Oh no, here it is. Kids, kids, look. It's Old Faithful. Kids, stop playing with sticks. Hey watch. This is aweso.....(Looking at Linds') that was kind of dumb." Thank you. Thank you very much. But it was a very good trip, and everyone had a good time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Keri, yes the same Keri that I am very scared of who is the mother of Karlie, has been a claims adjuster for two years as of today. It has been a long two years. For me. Well, today she made the announcement that it was her two year anniversary with us in section C. She also said her old office buddy, Amy, danged her to heck because of the two year anniversary of leaving. Well, when I heard this, I thought it would be a good opportunity to tweak Amy a little. So we made this super cute pictures of the new office buddies for the old office buddy and sent it to her interoffice. How nice am I?