Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, do you? If you aren't yet, you should be. Don't let the swine flu scare you. Sometimes, bros just need to handle their business and squash some problems and hug it out. Check out my brother Jacob and cousin Nathan. Now that's a good hug out. Me and my 4 year nephew Zack seem to have a contentious relationship. But do you know how we make peace? That's right, hug it out. He smacks me for no reason, I push him and he falls down like he was shot, we hug it out. There is no problem hugging it out can't fix. Democrats and Republicans should hug it out. Hatfields and McCoys should hug it out. Utes and Coug...... wait, no.... hugging it out won't fix that one. So, the morale of the post is, you got a problem with someone, MAN UP, and hug it out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. It is my birthday. And it has been quite a day so far. First, I went to lunch with my Mommy. We went to The Macaroni Grill and had some pasta. It was just Ryan/Mommy time. We hugged it out too. It was very nice. Then, when I got back to my office, I found this. My wife, brothers, and sister conspired against me to do a big desk decoration. Check it out.
It's very easy to do work in all of this. Yes, I can do work.

Look how happy I am. It's like New Years!! I look super cute with a crown!!!

And to finish off the look, I got a ribbon. Who, who doesn't want to wear the ribbon???!!! Not me, I want to wear it. It says "It's my B-day". Yes, yes it is. And the crown? Well that says "Birthday Prince". Yup, I'm a prince. A very happy 31 year old prince. Anyway, thanks Linds, you got me.