Friday, March 27, 2009


Yes. It is true. Not very often have I been this scared. I have been on this earth for some 30 years and this is by far the most afraid I have every been. Sometime, around Tuesday March 31 through April 1, 2009 I am going to be within one square mile of two Keechs. You can see them above. They look innocent. They are not. The look nice. That is yet to be determined. The one not showing her face is Keri. I have to sit by her. The one with the face is Karli. She works with my brother. Poor kid. So not only will I be within there close proximity, but so will Jake. My world as I know it is about to end. I fear pop ins to both offices, lunches, and other sorts of things that will disturb my nice quiet life. I hope for the best, but I am prepaired for the worst. Thank you.

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