Friday, March 27, 2009


Yes. It is true. Not very often have I been this scared. I have been on this earth for some 30 years and this is by far the most afraid I have every been. Sometime, around Tuesday March 31 through April 1, 2009 I am going to be within one square mile of two Keechs. You can see them above. They look innocent. They are not. The look nice. That is yet to be determined. The one not showing her face is Keri. I have to sit by her. The one with the face is Karli. She works with my brother. Poor kid. So not only will I be within there close proximity, but so will Jake. My world as I know it is about to end. I fear pop ins to both offices, lunches, and other sorts of things that will disturb my nice quiet life. I hope for the best, but I am prepaired for the worst. Thank you.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, we were all at my Grandma's last night eating and laughing, and telling the same old jokes when something super and cute happened. While everyone else was playing cards, these two kids decided it would be good to share a song together. See, look at them, sharing that Ipod listening to Hannah Montana. I've put some super cute stuff on the blog, but this, this may out shine all.

Friday, March 13, 2009


We are only two wins away from the rubber match of the year. Yes, hopefully there will be one more match up of the UofU and BYU. I would really like to see old Beaker play one more time against BYU. They both just need to take care of business tonight.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Read below for reading about my super cute Vegas trip with my brothers and Dad. You will be ohhhhed. You will be awwwed. But most importantly, you will be super cuted.

I can do it too

On our way home, in the Vegas airport, who did we see disembarking the tram as we were embarking the tram to terminal D. None other than the star of Las Vegas the tv show, James Caan. And when I saw him it gave me a great idea. After I read Jen's post about growing her hair like Jennifer Anniston's, I thought I needed to do something like that too. Well, I found my inspiration. Look at those locks will ya. I am now trying to grow my hair like the fabulos Jimmy Caan.

It does exist

Have you ever seen a Long Johns Silver commericial and wondered to yourself, "self, does what is this magical place of which they speak?" I sure have, and in Vegas this week, I found this out. Yes, Long John Silvers does exist, and it resides in Las Vegas. The wonders will never cease!

More Vegas

Ever wondered where someone the likes of Michael Jordan or Jacob Gourley would get married. Well, I have the answer for you. The Little While Chapel Tunnel of Love. Yes sir, and cuter or more super place could not be thought of. Drive right up, get married, and drive right out.

Spring Training

What a super cute day for some super cute Cubbie fans. Yes, it was a beautiful day at Cashman Field in Las Vegas Nevada on Thursday, March 5. Super cute Jake, super cute Jake and Mike, and Super cute Dad and Ryan. They only thing that was neither super, nor cute was the fact that the Cubs lost. Twice. Oh well. Better to watch the Cubs lose at Spring Training that answer the phone at work.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Super Cute Ryan

Okay, so I don't really have any reason to be posting this, other than I want everyone to see how good I look. Hey everyone, look how good I look.

My Bros

Wow. Look at me and my Bro. Don't we look like we are having fun. This is at a BYU game earlier this year. We saw a whole bunch a girls around us taking pictures of themselves this way, and we thought to ourselves "selves, we should do this too." So we did. And do you want to know why, because we are super cute. Yes, that is right. We have a heckuva time at the game. We told the same jokes over and over and they were very funny.