Thursday, December 31, 2009


What a great year it has been at The ppplounge. We have had some super cute times this year. We lived through the death of one phone, to the birth of another. We found out why this blog exists, and found out what a trip to Vegas with the Bro's and Foreman is like. You found out about twinners, and hugging it out. I also went global. It has been HUGE. Well, here are a few pics that didn't make it during the year for your viewing pleasure. Above is a picture of me and Linds, because The ppplounge loves the shots were you are holding the camera in front of you baby!
Tommy and Emma on Easter. Look at those outfits. I didn't pick them out myself! Couple of super cute kids I say.

Ah, the trip to Disneyland. The driving, the whinning, the charcters, the money blown, the hand holding, the cuteness. Yup, we are probably going back in a couple years. I think I should start saving for the plane tickets now.

How did this one not make it. Me, in my niece Darcy's hat. I look good. Real Good.

Ah, the last piece. At the Harvest Hills 9th Ward Christmas Party, we recreated the 12 days of Christmas. Can you guess what part I played? Tights? Tutu? Yes, yes, that is right. I am one of the 12 lords a leaping. And I lept. I'm really good at it too. Even has me thinking a career change. Well, it has been a good year. The aughts are almost over, and the teens are about to begin. No one knows what is in store for The ppplounge next year. One could guess more making fun of Foreman, hopefully an appearance by P Ricky, exploring the in's and out's of smasting, and other things of this nature. But for now, look back in cuteness, and get ready for a Super Cute 2010.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Do you remember Roberto? Yes, you do. Well, me and Pops played for Roberto on November 20th. I brought him to the match so he could watch me win in all my glory. I even talked to him before hand to let him know what would happen, and let him pick his own spot on my desk. Apparently, he didn't listen.
See, Roberto is a traitorous little dog. Me and Pops had it out for a match of the ages. And yes, sadly, I ended up losing 6-4. I am not very happy about this, as you can tell, it took me two weeks to post the debacle. And the little traitor, he now resides with Foreman somewhere. So, Roberto, you have fun with Gary Agassi and his mullet toupei, or however you spell that. But be forewarned. When we reunite, you will have to pay for your treachory. Concrates Dad.


So, with the bad, there is always some good. After I lost my treasured, and traitorous Roberto, The Bro's and Foreman went to LES for the BYU vs Utah game on 11/28/2009. We were treated to quite a time. Mike made a lasting friendship with some Ute teenagers, Foreman sat on the row above us because he doesn't think we are funny anymore, and me and Jake were accosted by some severe Crop Dusting in the first half. Me and Mike also made some friends with an older couple who thought we were super cute, and super hilarious. See Foreman, we are funny. In the end, BYU pulled it out on the last play to Pretty Boy Mr. George, and we left happy. We even had an offer from a slightly inebriated Ute fan to take a picture of us. How very nice of him. BYU 26 Utah 23.

ps. I would like to be there when Karli buys Jake is Tucanos lunch. HA HA


A couple of weeks ago, me, my bro's, and Pops (Foreman) head to LaVell Edwards Stadium (LES) to watch BYU take on the Air Force Acadamy. Fun times, all around. Can you see Provo down behind me. Yup, that's Provo. We check every game, and it's always there. And on the way to the game, we always let everyone know that they are in COUGAR TOWN. Yup, I am shouting that, because that is how we tell people. Foreman doesn't like it very much, but we do it anyway.
And this game, we decided to snap some super cute pictures of us, just for you. The only one who did not make an appearance is Foreman. He was off somewhere, ignoring us. I really don't think he thinks we are funny anymore.

This on by far is my favorite. Everyone in their natural faces. What a good time. BYU 38, AF 21.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Well, do you? If you aren't yet, you should be. Don't let the swine flu scare you. Sometimes, bros just need to handle their business and squash some problems and hug it out. Check out my brother Jacob and cousin Nathan. Now that's a good hug out. Me and my 4 year nephew Zack seem to have a contentious relationship. But do you know how we make peace? That's right, hug it out. He smacks me for no reason, I push him and he falls down like he was shot, we hug it out. There is no problem hugging it out can't fix. Democrats and Republicans should hug it out. Hatfields and McCoys should hug it out. Utes and Coug...... wait, no.... hugging it out won't fix that one. So, the morale of the post is, you got a problem with someone, MAN UP, and hug it out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. It is my birthday. And it has been quite a day so far. First, I went to lunch with my Mommy. We went to The Macaroni Grill and had some pasta. It was just Ryan/Mommy time. We hugged it out too. It was very nice. Then, when I got back to my office, I found this. My wife, brothers, and sister conspired against me to do a big desk decoration. Check it out.
It's very easy to do work in all of this. Yes, I can do work.

Look how happy I am. It's like New Years!! I look super cute with a crown!!!

And to finish off the look, I got a ribbon. Who, who doesn't want to wear the ribbon???!!! Not me, I want to wear it. It says "It's my B-day". Yes, yes it is. And the crown? Well that says "Birthday Prince". Yup, I'm a prince. A very happy 31 year old prince. Anyway, thanks Linds, you got me.

Friday, October 23, 2009

On like Donkey Kong

So, twice now has my lovely sister Jennifer slammed me on her blog. First it was the Cure pics. I could live with that one. I did it willingly. But now Jen, you have crossed the line. So, Jennifer's reminicing got me thinking back. And I remembered her nickname in high school. Did you all know? None other than Big Bird. See the kids thought she looked like Mr. Bird. And I can see it. Can you?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


In the past, I have put so pretty cute things on this website, but this may be the thing that shuts it down for good. My wife took the kids to the zoo a couple of weeks ago, and from the pictures, you can tell they saw the baby elephant. Man oh man, that night, all I heard about was how cute that baby was. And I have about eighteen million pictures to prove it. Just look how cute that little guy is. I SAID LOOK.


At the end of September, the Fam went to Disneyland. I can think of nowhere else that is more super, or more cute.

Emma bought herself a Donald Duck and carried the thing around the whole time. She would go up to the other characters to take a picture, and hand it to them for some reason. Haven't figured that one out yet.

And look at the Kiddies holding hands. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

And nothing like a family picture with a codfish.

Monday, August 24, 2009


What is that you ask? Well, for the past few years, me and my dear ole daddy have had a ongoing tennis match. It basically lasts from Spring until it gets to cold and they take down the nets in the Fall. We play a set at a time, and whoever ends up with the most sets won at the end of the season is the winner. Well, to spice it up a bit, we also play for lunch at our favorite eatery, Braza, Land of Meat (well that is what I call it). So, over time, the tennis match has hence become, The Braza Cup Championship.

Starting this season, I thought it would be best to commemerate the championship with some sort of trophy as well. I got the idea from Jake. He won our fantasy baseball league and got a sweet bobblehead trophy for doing so. I started to think about that, and thought I could fashion my own bobblehead, paint is gold, screw a bone onto its head, (you know, for the meat aspect) and call it good. But then I was reading a story online where a gentlemen went to a sports memorabilia show and said they have all kinds of old trophies that would be used for the championship trophy of a fantasy league. This got me thinking, I could go to a sports show, and find one of those cool plates or something, that tennisers get. Then I thought to myself, "Ryan, why not just check out Ebay, your favorite place for useless crap?" Myself then told me "Yes, that is a very good idea." So I checked out Ebay.

I searched "tennis championship trophy" and the first thing that came up is this.

How awesome is that? Now, it didn't say Braza Cup Champion, but go figure, a BOBBLEHEAD TENNIS GUY! I bought that thing so fast my computers head spun, if that is possible. It was 5 bucks, and I got the inscription for free! I had to go to the post office to pick it up on Friday, and this picture is right after I got out of the post office and send a copy of it to my Dad.

Now, here he sits, at my desk, in all his glory. I named him Roberto, (you know, Braza, Spanish, whatever). Anyway, here Roberto sits, knowing his correct place in the world. At my desk, the two time Braza Cup Champ. Hopefully three time at the end of the Fall. Because now I have more competition. Jake wants in, and with a prize like this, really, who wouldn't. But for now he is mine, and anytime I feel a little bit sad, I tap his little head, Roberto does a little dance, and I smile on the inside and out. RYAN, THE BRAZA CUP CHAMP. THE CHAMP IS HERE!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


If you follow both mine and Jen's blog, you already know that it was Addie's 3 birthday party on Sunday. Well, I am sure that you may have read the sanitary, pasteurized version Jen posted. Well, I am not here to sanitize your life. You get the cold, hard, super cute facts here with this ground breaking blog. So here it is. I dared Show (Jake) to do the slip and slide. As you can see, he obliged. I also gave Mike a chair shot, and got permission from my Grandma Gourley to give Jake the double chair shot. (That didn't happen, but I have permission.) We then had a good ole Gourley Cub shirt a thon. Everyone tried it on. Addie, Darce, Jake, and me. Yes, that is me in my Teton shirt, Zach's Cub shirt, a sambrero, and Darce's pink hat. I kind of look like a fruity bandito, (not that there is anything wrong with that). Over all, a pretty good party. On the way home, Emma asked, "when is Addie having another birthday. Can we come again next week? Yeah?" Now if that doesn't fit into the super cute mold, I might as well shut this thing down.
ps. Tammie, are you happy now? It's been updated and no work posts.


So, I just got back from scout camp this last week. Here is a cute little picture of the view from our camp. We were tucked right up next to the Snake River. The days we were there we played on their rope course, low and high. Then we went mountain biking, but the camp tour guide took us somewhere we didn't have a permit and the Wyoming Mounties kicked us off. Then we went back to camp after getting kicked off and one of the other adults torn his patella tendon playing basketball. Good trip right. Then we went down the Snake whitewater on Saturday. The boat guide was awesome. He was a total dude. He shoved some of the kids in the river. Then, when they were trying to get back in, one of the kids lost his glasses into the river. The next thing I know, he is diving in the river, and comes back up two seconds later with the glasses. I have no idea how he did that. Just have to say, thanks Dude.


Over the Fourth of July we went to Yellowstone with Linds' family. We had a big campout, and luckily for Tommy's sake, we saw no bears. Here we have a picture at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Falls with the Fam. A buffalo which Tommy was facinated. And look at the one with the kids. Don't they look happy?! Then a picture of my girls. And don't forget Old Faithful. Old Faithful is so awesome. Here is a reinaction of watching Old Faithful. "Okay kids, here it comes. It's going to shoot water up into the sky. It's going to be awesome. Wait, just watch. Nope, not yet. I thought so, but not yet. Ohp, here is comes this time. Nope, just a false start. Now, here it goes. Nope, wait one more minute. (Croud ohs and ahs prematurely). Oh no, here it is. Kids, kids, look. It's Old Faithful. Kids, stop playing with sticks. Hey watch. This is aweso.....(Looking at Linds') that was kind of dumb." Thank you. Thank you very much. But it was a very good trip, and everyone had a good time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Keri, yes the same Keri that I am very scared of who is the mother of Karlie, has been a claims adjuster for two years as of today. It has been a long two years. For me. Well, today she made the announcement that it was her two year anniversary with us in section C. She also said her old office buddy, Amy, danged her to heck because of the two year anniversary of leaving. Well, when I heard this, I thought it would be a good opportunity to tweak Amy a little. So we made this super cute pictures of the new office buddies for the old office buddy and sent it to her interoffice. How nice am I?

Friday, June 26, 2009


As you can see, this week was very special here at work. It was pink week. Why, you ask? Mostly to torment a Co Worker, Connie, specifically. It all started out with the poster. Then, on Tuesday I did the post its. Wednesday was the chair, with Sully in a pink shirt and bow. Thursday, we changed her desk top to have rose windows and pink penguins on the wallpaper. See, she loves penguins, hates pink. This one was done subrosa, and it took some doing, but well worth it. Sorry I don't have that picture for you. Then, Friday, her car was "Pinked". As of 3:34 pm, she still doesn't know. But she did receive a cryptic text telling her about the pinking. The best part, at first I took the blame, but as the week went on, the blame started to sway to Keri, (see the post about me being scared for my life for her). I even got an apology for being blamed. Now, come on Connie, who else but the Toddler could have come up with this? Have a nice weekend.

Friday, June 19, 2009


We had some very special birthdays today at the WCF. Connie and Vickie both will be celebrating a 4... and 4... on June 21, Summer Solstice. We had a grand ol time at McGraths. Fish, friends, and yes, that's right, FUN. And the most fun of all, the fishy birthday hats from Mac's. Aren't they super!!!! Aren't they cute. I say yes. I say heck yes. Happy Birthday!!! And thanks for lunch.