Ah, the trip to Disneyland. The driving, the whinning, the charcters, the money blown, the hand holding, the cuteness. Yup, we are probably going back in a couple years. I think I should start saving for the plane tickets now.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ah, the trip to Disneyland. The driving, the whinning, the charcters, the money blown, the hand holding, the cuteness. Yup, we are probably going back in a couple years. I think I should start saving for the plane tickets now.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
ps. I would like to be there when Karli buys Jake is Tucanos lunch. HA HA
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
On like Donkey Kong
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Emma bought herself a Donald Duck and carried the thing around the whole time. She would go up to the other characters to take a picture, and hand it to them for some reason. Haven't figured that one out yet.
And look at the Kiddies holding hands. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Monday, August 24, 2009
How awesome is that? Now, it didn't say Braza Cup Champion, but go figure, a BOBBLEHEAD TENNIS GUY! I bought that thing so fast my computers head spun, if that is possible. It was 5 bucks, and I got the inscription for free! I had to go to the post office to pick it up on Friday, and this picture is right after I got out of the post office and send a copy of it to my Dad.
Now, here he sits, at my desk, in all his glory. I named him Roberto, (you know, Braza, Spanish, whatever). Anyway, here Roberto sits, knowing his correct place in the world. At my desk, the two time Braza Cup Champ. Hopefully three time at the end of the Fall. Because now I have more competition. Jake wants in, and with a prize like this, really, who wouldn't. But for now he is mine, and anytime I feel a little bit sad, I tap his little head, Roberto does a little dance, and I smile on the inside and out. RYAN, THE BRAZA CUP CHAMP. THE CHAMP IS HERE!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
If you follow both mine and Jen's blog, you already know that it was Addie's 3 birthday party on Sunday. Well, I am sure that you may have read the sanitary, pasteurized version Jen posted. Well, I am not here to sanitize your life. You get the cold, hard, super cute facts here with this ground breaking blog. So here it is. I dared Show (Jake) to do the slip and slide. As you can see, he obliged. I also gave Mike a chair shot, and got permission from my Grandma Gourley to give Jake the double chair shot. (That didn't happen, but I have permission.) We then had a good ole Gourley Cub shirt a thon. Everyone tried it on. Addie, Darce, Jake, and me. Yes, that is me in my Teton shirt, Zach's Cub shirt, a sambrero, and Darce's pink hat. I kind of look like a fruity bandito, (not that there is anything wrong with that). Over all, a pretty good party. On the way home, Emma asked, "when is Addie having another birthday. Can we come again next week? Yeah?" Now if that doesn't fit into the super cute mold, I might as well shut this thing down.
Over the Fourth of July we went to Yellowstone with Linds' family. We had a big campout, and luckily for Tommy's sake, we saw no bears. Here we have a picture at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone Falls with the Fam. A buffalo which Tommy was facinated. And look at the one with the kids. Don't they look happy?! Then a picture of my girls. And don't forget Old Faithful. Old Faithful is so awesome. Here is a reinaction of watching Old Faithful. "Okay kids, here it comes. It's going to shoot water up into the sky. It's going to be awesome. Wait, just watch. Nope, not yet. I thought so, but not yet. Ohp, here is comes this time. Nope, just a false start. Now, here it goes. Nope, wait one more minute. (Croud ohs and ahs prematurely). Oh no, here it is. Kids, kids, look. It's Old Faithful. Kids, stop playing with sticks. Hey watch. This is aweso.....(Looking at Linds') that was kind of dumb." Thank you. Thank you very much. But it was a very good trip, and everyone had a good time.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
As you can see, this week was very special here at work. It was pink week. Why, you ask? Mostly to torment a Co Worker, Connie, specifically. It all started out with the poster. Then, on Tuesday I did the post its. Wednesday was the chair, with Sully in a pink shirt and bow. Thursday, we changed her desk top to have rose windows and pink penguins on the wallpaper. See, she loves penguins, hates pink. This one was done subrosa, and it took some doing, but well worth it. Sorry I don't have that picture for you. Then, Friday, her car was "Pinked". As of 3:34 pm, she still doesn't know. But she did receive a cryptic text telling her about the pinking. The best part, at first I took the blame, but as the week went on, the blame started to sway to Keri, (see the post about me being scared for my life for her). I even got an apology for being blamed. Now, come on Connie, who else but the Toddler could have come up with this? Have a nice weekend.
Friday, June 19, 2009
We had some very special birthdays today at the WCF. Connie and Vickie both will be celebrating a 4... and 4... on June 21, Summer Solstice. We had a grand ol time at McGraths. Fish, friends, and yes, that's right, FUN. And the most fun of all, the fishy birthday hats from Mac's. Aren't they super!!!! Aren't they cute. I say yes. I say heck yes. Happy Birthday!!! And thanks for lunch.